Reallocate Time and Resources to Improve Inventory Management and Operations

The 4R advanced inventory management technologies help hardware companies improve collaboration, increase productivity and get the best out of their people.

Clients adopt inventory management solutions, like those offered by 4R, with the expectation of operational improvements and cost savings. Centralizing inventory management provides employees with actionable insights, supply chain visibility and automation of routine, repetitive tasks. After implementing 4R, our clients gained operational efficiency, empowered staff to focus on more strategic activities, and improved customer service.

This Store Operations Reallocation of Time and Resources diagram illustrates how we help hardware stores transform their inventory operations with advanced analytics and automation. Advanced analytics that forecast demand weeks and months ahead, adds operational and tactical levels of planning to the process. Automation eliminates the time-consuming “busy work” in the inventory planning process.

Contact us to speak with an expert about how 4R can enable you to achieve inventory management and operational improvements, as well as time and cost savings.